
Exercise for Pregnant Women
Should all pregnant women exercise?
If not, who shouldn’t?
If yes, what kind of exercise? In the first trimester, Second trimester, and the Third?
How does fitness affect a healthy pregnancy and what are the benefits?
What are the common risky exercises and what should be avoided?
Should all pregnant women exercise?
If not, who shouldn’t?
If yes, what kind of exercise? In the first trimester, Second trimester, and the Third?
How does fitness affect a healthy pregnancy and what are the benefits?
What are the common risky exercises and what should be avoided?
Are you interested in learning how can you modify the exercises during pregnancy and how to execute those exercises with the proper technique?
Can exercise harm the baby?
Why is it so important to train the pelvic floor?
And is it possible to train the ABS without lying down on the back? How?
How to design and execute a full body workout during pregnancy?
How about Post natal? After delivering the baby?
How to go back gradually into the active life?
If you are interested in learning the exercise techniques, provide training tips, and have a greater understanding on how to train or exercise during pregnancy and after delivery, this workshop is for you.
Course Content
Prenatal fitness
• The pregnant client
• Should all pregnant women exercise?
• First trimester
• Second trimester
• The affect of fitness on a healthy pregnancy
• Benefits of exercise in pregnancy
• Relative contraindications
• Absolute contraindications
• Choice of exercises
• Can exercise harm the baby?
• The pelvic floor
• Diastasis recti
• Non supine core exercises
• Physiological changes
• Musculoskeletal changes
• Special considerations
• Signs to terminate exercise
• Core Exercises
• Upper back exercises
• Pelvic floor exercises
Post Natal
• Post-partum exercise: the first week
• Resuming exercise post c- section
• Obstacles to postpartum exercise
• Postnatal adjustments- lordosis
• Postnatal adjustments- kyphosis
• Diastasis recti
• The parenthood moves
• Training tips
Duration: 6 Hours
Number of seats: 25
Our Instructors
We Have Highly Qualified Instructors
Shelly (Xia Lei)
SPI Representative in China
Fitness Master Trainer. Represents SPI in China since 2017 via Star Energy
Chady Hatem
Owner - Chadi Hatem PT Clinic and Active Health Clinic
One of the well-known figures in Sports rehabilitation and Physical Fitness Education in Lebanon
Nicolas Yazigi
Strength and Conditioning Specialist
University Lecturer in Exercise Science. Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Jeffrey Bergin
Owner SPI Canada, Master Trainer
A dedicated Master Personal Trainer and Founder of Sport Performance Institute in Canada
Nazih Wehbi
Mindfulness BodySpirit Meditation Trainer
My spiritual path began with many books on Sufism, Hatha Yoga, and meditation that I read and learned...
Ghada Sfeir Jaber
Pilates Instructor
She is passionate and patient, and likes to help people take care of themselves and of their bodies
Mirna Masri
Nutritionist & Sports Nutrition Expert
Dietitian, Personal Trainer, Group Instructor and an inspirational athlete
Haytham Mozawak
Master Personal Trainer
Personal Trainer and Physiotherapist with over 10 years of Experience in the field
Sally Hammoud
Executive Director, LOYAC Lebanon
A versatile academic and professional in Communication and Media Studies
Nidal Malaeb
Master Personal Trainer & Group Exercise
A cheering example of an athlete who became a Master Trainer. Experienced & knowledgable
Fauzi Elarabi
Co-founder of SPI-LIBYA
President of Libyan Functional Fitness Federation, with more than 25 years of experience...
Wael Jaber
SPI Master Franchisee
Founder of SPI Middle East and China and a Pioneer in the Health & Fitness Education Sector