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Postural Correction Workshop

In this workshop you will learn how to assess a client in the different planes, in the static position and during different exercises, and how to choose specific exercises for correction.

What is Posture?

Posture is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting or laying down. Good posture involves training the body to stand, walk, sit and lie in positions where the least strain is placed on supporting muscles and ligaments.

Good Posture makes you look great, feel more energetic and project confidence. It also helps prevent injury and reduce pain.

We all want good posture... but it can be very hard to achieve if you have a poor one. That's because acquiring good posture involves not only learning new movements and positions, but changing life-long habits as well.

How to Correct Your Posture

Just knowing how to correct your posture is not enough to achieve a change in your actual habit. Our body uses learnt motor patterns to perform everyday activities. When we sit, stand, walk or move - our body follows previously learnt motor patterns. If your body has learned to slouch - that's what it will do.

Posture Assessment

The first step to discovering how to correct your posture is to have your posture type assessed.

In this workshop you will learn how to assess a client in the different planes, in the static position and during different exercises, and how to choose specific exercises for correction.

Practicing the different exercises will help you feel it, to be able to teach it correctly and to give the client the needed tips.

Discovering the different fascial lines in the body and different dysfunctions will let you be able to apply corrective exercises.

Duration: 6 hours

Number of seats: 25

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